Tag Archives: Kakegawa Castle

TF Top 23……Photos For 2023 (End Of Year Filler Post!)

  This lame and lazy half-assed compilation post idea was ushered in at the end of 2018 with an eye on permanently replacing the ‘TF Top 10……Filming Location Trips For (year)’ series which has been running out of steam over … Continue reading

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Little-Known Castles & Beaches, Awful Station Puns, Bad English, A Big Wooden Willy & Japan’s Cheapest Breakfast!

  As far as trips away go this one was for the maximum possible time available to me. As soon as I finished work on the last Saturday in June I headed straight down to Izu and then returned the … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Food & Drink, Japan Travel | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Did Seeing Japan’s 42nd Best Castle Cushion The Blow Of A Hugely Disappointing Morning?!

The western side of Shizuoka Prefecture is a long, long way from the Izu Peninsula in the east, and can take over two hours to traverse when using the local train. Wanting to see a football match at a stadium … Continue reading

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